Five Tips For Maintaining Your Balance

If you are middle-aged (40-60, by some definitions) or older, here is a 15-second self-test for you. Do you often find yourself needing to sit down or steady yourself against a table when putting on your shoes or stepping into pants? Do you increasingly need to use...

Chiropractic for Chronic Back Pain

About a third of the millions of people who make appointments with chiropractors every year seek relief from back pain. Back pain can be acute, meaning it happens suddenly, lasts 6 weeks or less and often clears up on its own; or back pain can be chronic, meaning it...

Understanding Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s own self-healing mechanism, but is widely misunderstood and misrepresented in the popular press. First, many people confuse the term inflammation with infection—the two are not the same, although the latter often...